Caring comes first.

From 2000 until 2050, the world's population aged 60 and over will more than triple from 600 million to 2 billion. The proportion will jump from 12% to 22% thanks to increased life expectancy and dropping fertility rates.

Currently, we are unequipped to handle the upcoming changes. We don't have enough eldercare facilities, and the productivity in them is too low. Staff spends more time filling forms and doing administrative work rather than actually caring for the patient. This is not their fault. The increasing requirements were implemented for safety reasons but as an unintended consequence is also slowed everyone down.

We want to change that. Our goal is to integrate the latest in technology to keep staff as productive as possible. We want them to spend less time doing admin work and more time actually caring. We measure our worth by how much easier we make it for caretakers to provide high-quality care.